Additional Services & Techniques Offered in Aurora CO

all about weight loss and losing weight

Throughout his years being a Chiropractor, Dr. Josh's love for the field has only increased, he has created (to the best of his knowledge) different techniques, which has helped thousands of people. He wants to help people achieve a pain-free and increased quality of life with as many people as possible in Aurora CO. Read more to learn about the services offered at Unity Wellness Chiropractic.

Services offered in Aurora CO

There are many different techniques and services that are provided with care from Dr. Josh at Unity Wellness Chiropractic.

Manual Adjustments:

Manual adjustments are done by hand, that is where you can hear cracks or pops. This does not do damage to the body, in basic terms it is the synovial fluid in the disc that you hear pop, that is not the goal of being adjusted though. The goal is to move the joints that have become stuck and push them to where they are now loose.

Activator Method:

The Activator method is similar with the exception that you will only hear the device click. The activator moves quicker than your body can react, which is how it is able to move the joints. The drop table is used with techniques such as Thomspon. The table on which you lay will be pushed up in certain areas, for instance your hips. When the table is raised the Chiropractor will then press down on an area of your body such as hips or low back, when the table drops it moves faster than your body can react, and the adjustment happens.

Drop Table:

The drop table is used with techniques such as Thomspon. The table on which you lay will be pushed up in certain areas, for instance your hips. When the table is raised the Chiropractor will then press down on an area of your body such as hips or low back, when the table drops it moves faster than your body can react, and the adjustment happens.

Flexion Distraction:

Flexion/distraction helps ease pain and increase ROM. This is a very valuable technique for dealing with acute low back pain.

Lifestyle Modification Counseling:

Lifestyle modification and diet/nutrition counselling will be available, it is not a class that is offered. It is informing the patient if they are interested, how they can create a lifestyle change, how they can improve their eating habits and exercise habits in order to live a healthier life and increase their quality of life.

Webster Technique:

Webster technique is the gold standard for adjusting a pregnant patient. The technique requires a pregnancy pillow and to test the body to see which area needs to be adjusted and which round ligament is tight. The round ligament will need to then be released which could feel like a burning sensation.

Trigger Point Therapy:

Trigger point/muscle release will be done with my own special technique, this will allow the muscles that are tight to release and ease some pain, next I would refer the patient to my massage therapists who are amazing.

Spinal Traction Techniques:

Spinal traction technique is a unique technique used to distract the body of a patient. There are three ways in which this is done, one is when the patient is laying face up on the table, a scarf is around their neck and a swift 5-10 pound pull is done. This distracts the cervical region and usually down to the sacrum. The second is also known as a leg pull. The doctor will put the patient's leg between his legs and give a pull, this distracts the leg, pelvic/hip and most of the time low back. The third is with a device that will traction out the neck gently, the pressure can get up to 30 pounds of pressure for a couple minutes. This last one is not yet in use in the clinic.

Additional Specialty Services Coming Soon:

There are other special devices/equipment which will be provided later but not available now. These are vibration plate therapy, heat/cold therapy, muscle stimulation therapy. Vibration plate therapy is amazing for bone/muscle strengthening. The plate vibrates with the patient standing on the plate, it moves the blood better throughout the patient's body, the vibrations will put pressure on the small muscles as well. Heat and cold therapy would be used for chronic or acute injuries. Muscle stimulation can activate muscles and ease pain.


9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm




9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

Unity Wellness Chiropractic

3190 S Vaughn Way Suite 550
Aurora, CO 80014

(720) 860-4210